Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Zure Reflection (A Blue Reflection)

This drawing I made today, kept taking breaks took me about 4 hours tops... Check out all the detail... The reflection is so different, I guess it's what I see myself as when I look in the mirror now... Chained, broken-hearted, ripped, torn, and soaked... Hope you enjoy, I've been trying to do a mirror reflection for like six years now!!! But I finally figured it out kinda!


Credits --
Savage Garden (for the song lyrics my inspiration)
This was my top favorite... till my oil burner decided to spit across the room on it. Made me cry for hours when it got ruined, I'm glad it doen't show up much on the scan. It's the best Azure yet yup! What you think?


Yes... the furries are back and here's my Koala! Took my lik 10 minutes ugh....

.: Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder :.

I gasped, I couldn't accept--
The fate I'm put under,
In such a wide depth.
They called him God...
I once called him father--
Sentenced me harshly,
For loving another.
Scissors they took...
Fallowed his orders--
Chopped all the memories,
And locks of golds and silvers.
Embellied Flaming...
My feathers, So I couldn't fly--
Or return to the Heavens,
They know I'd rather die.
My dress, of cirus and sunshine--
So I wouldn't look better,
Then the rest of his creation's kind.
Shutting the gate now...
Slammed the door tight--
Im standing here leaning,
Broosed and beaten with fright.
I lost all of it...
The powers and love--
So I fell to the ground,
As a wounded black dove.
This has got to be one of my top favorites... I love it, I absolutelly love it! Oh... did I forget to menchine, I LOVE IT!!!

Wolf Vision Beginer Sketch

Not much to say, went psycho on half a doodle I did, didn't turn out well... nope!

Rejecting Valintine

Credits ---
Valerie Maynich
Okay, this is a Duo picture as I like to call them, Val and I do them a lot, where one person starts then the other person adds and they switch the drawing back and forth till they both agree on it being done. Nothing can be changed that the opposite artist had done tho, thats the rule. In this one it just happened to split in half she did little details and I did basics. Great fun this one! Passed it for like, six days I think!

Sad Featherless Angels

Okay, I don't remember wher I got the idea but I think it's expressive enough!

Element Demon : Air

This one I don't actually care for much, couldn't figure it out at the time how to make her structure so I wung it, and didn't bother editting...


Element Demon : Metal

Metal isn't usually concidered an element, but I decided to go by the Chinese elements!

Element Demon : Water

Water, gracful but tough; slow moving but rushing; definite but full of havok....

Element Demon : Earth

I think she has to be the prettiest of the demons... I finally got to scan them by cutting them out of my hard-back sketch book... so I hope you enjoy them!


Element Demon : Fire

This from a series I started. I know her pose looks wrong, but its to show you her sleeve and NO she is not fondling the metal plate over her va-j-j; she is simply saying 'I'm fiesy and I'll burn your ass' is all lol well this is one of my favorites. This series will always will and stay my favorites no matter what! Hope you love it!

Pencil Mascarade

Another yet, feeble attempt at colored pencils...

Pencil Self-Portrait

An expirement with colored pencils and a mirror... didn't turn out well but some people liked it, not me though!


Black Stallion

This is a picture I did for my older sister, when I first started expirementing with Charcole... Ew, don't much like the stuff, bad for the earth and bad for my soft hands XD lol